Manage Media Workshop Agenda
A One-Day Workshop with an Agenda …
I. Introductory Briefing
This segment provides an overview of the day’s activities and objectives, establishes ground rules for group and individual performance, introduces the trainers, and warms up the group with a communication exercise.
II. News Conference
The trainers conduct a realistic news conference, complete with a live TV camera, hot studio lights and reporters asking tough, sometimes unfair questions.
III. Modeling Effective Interview Behavior
Together, we analyze videotaped media interviews of national personalities to help participants better understand excellent and not-so-excellent interview behavior.
IV. Critical Media Do’s and Don’ts
The trainers discuss and role-play the most important media Do’s and Don’ts and guide group discussion on specific issues confronting your management team.
V. Critical Communication Messages
The group discusses and analyzes critical messages you want to convey to your primary publics: employees, managers, stakeholders, and customers. We teach techniques to make certain those messages become the focus of any interview.
VI. Television Interviews
The training team videotapes each participant in a casually-paced but hard-hitting interview.
VII. TV Interview Critique and Group Discussion
This segment is a supportive, roundtable review of the videotapes and group discussion about each individual’s improved performance. We not only focus on how well participants have answered questions but also on how effectively each individual presents an authentic, audience-friendly self-portrayal.
VIII. Group Discussion
The final segment is a facilitated group discussion of all questions and issues raised throughout the day to achieve optimum media-interview techniques, presentation, behavior, comfort and control.
Here’s what you’ll learn in an exciting, informative day…
- How to handle an interview, in calm or in crisis
- Converting a media crisis to a public relations asset
- Techniques to win positive sound bites and headlines
- Tricks reporters use when asking questions
- Mistakes people make when answering questions
- Protecting your rights in an interview
- Preparing answers with company messages in mind
- Managing aggressive or adversarial reporters
Click here to download a copy of the workshop brochure.
Call us for more information: 303-743-0140; or email us.